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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Positive Parenting



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Positive Parenting

POSITIVE PARENTING workshops are held at NYS and may also be hosted in your school or home! Dates for the first PP Program are Thursday evenings, October 5, 12, 19, 26, and November 2. Sessions begin at 7 pm. Positive Parenting is geared for parents of pre-school and elementary school children. Welcome to the Teen Zone, for parents of middle and high school, will also be scheduling sessions.

New to NYS’ Parenting Programs this fall will be a course for parents of special needs children. This series will begin on Tuesday evening, September 19, at 7 pm. Additional fall dates are October 3, 17, November 7, 28, and December 5 and 19.

It is necessary to pre-register for all parenting courses. The fee is $25 per person and $35 per couple, which includes all materials.

To further reach out into the community, NYS staff members are contacting local businesses to set up PP programs for employees at their places of business. These sessions may be held during lunchtime or another convenient time during the workday.

Our Parenting Programs are a great way to meet people who may be dealing with many of the same issues. If you would like to host a Positive Parenting program in your home, school, or business, or would like further information concerning any of the programs, please contact Roseanne Loring at 270-4335.

Family Events

Mark your calendars. Family Bikes, Boards, and Blades Day is Sunday, September 24, from noon until three.

New Mothers’ Group

Due to its popularity, this group is full. Please watch for the next series and sign up quickly!

Fathers’ Night

This popular series, with Jeff Steinberg, opens the 2000-2001 school year on Monday, September 11, at 7:30 pm. Please call to register.

Positions Wanted:


If you are looking for a way to help out in the community, look no further. Newtown Youth Services is always in need of an extra pair of hands. If you would be interested in serving on the Board of Directors, helping with mailings, stuffing envelopes, delivering monthly newsletters, or any of the varied possibilities please call the office for further information.

4-H Clubs To Form

Newtown Youth Services is fortunate to have Jonathan Aragones, MS, now on staff. Degreed in biology and ecology, NYS’ newest addition will be leading two 4-H groups. Fourth and fifth grades will meet on Monday afternoons from 3:15 to 4:30 beginning on September 18. Middle School grades will meet on Wednesdays, beginning September 20, from 4 to 5:15. Both groups will meet at NYS. Membership is free but space is limited. For additional information or to register, please call the office.

Youth Group Meetings

THE HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD (HS YAB) will hold its first meeting of the year on Monday, September 25, at 5:30 pm. New members are welcome to attend this meeting.


MS YAB will be holding its first meeting of the school year on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, from 3:45 to 4:45 in the MS Teachers’ Lunch Room. This will be the group’s organizational meeting at which we plan various projects and identify community service needs. “Thinking Food” will be provided so please come with all your ideas.

NYCAAP will holds its first meeting on Tuesday, September 12, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.

Membership in the above groups is free and new members are welcome at all times. For additional info please call.

Super Sitters

The first Super Sitters session of the school year begins on Thursday, October 5. This is a five-week course. Classes meet from 4 to 5:30 pm and the fee is $25. Only five spots are left for this.

All programs will take place at Newtown Youth Services, 41-A Main Street (next to Town Hall), unless noted. For further information on any of the above programs, please call Newtown Youth Services at 270-4335.

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