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Pancakes And Parking On Labor Day



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Pancakes And Parking On Labor Day

Newtown Congregational Church invites the community for a Labor Day Pancake Breakfast on Monday, September 7.

The church will be serving up breakfast, complete with all the fixings, from 7:30 until 9:30 am on Monday, within its Great Room at 14 West Street — which is within walking distance to Main Street.

Breakfast will end with plenty of time to get to the center of town so that everyone can catch the 48th Newtown Labor Day Parade when it steps off at 10 am. And best of all, the church has plenty of parking available, so those who enjoy the pancake breakfast can leave their vehicle at the church during the parade.

Cost is $6 per person, with a family special of $20. Proceeds will benefit the congregation’s ministries.

Newtown Congregational Church, at 14 West Street, can be reached by calling 426-6024.

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