September 2-8, 2016: <i>The Legend of Tarzan</i>
[naviga:h3 style="text-align: center;"][naviga:img class="aligncenter wp-image-213106" src="" alt="Legend of Tarzan movie poster" width="253" height="376" /][/naviga:h3]Friday, September 2-Thursday, September 8[/naviga:h3]THE LEGEND OF TARZANÃÂ [/naviga:h3]
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Screenings Friday through Sunday, 7 & 9 pm; Monday through Thursday, 7 pm;
matinees Saturday and Sunday, 1 & 4 pm; Tuesday, 1 pm.
Rated PG-13 * running time 1:50
Starring Alexander SkarsgÃÂ¥rd, Margo Robbie,
Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson & Djimon Hounsou
All tickets $2
Having acclimated to life in London, Edgar Rice Burrough's epic hero (SkarsgÃÂ¥rd) returns to the land of his birth to investigate rumors that Belgian King Leopold II ÃÂ is enslaving local people of the Congo and looting its wealth in this action-adventure romance.