Health Fair To Offer Skin Cancer Screening
Health Fair To Offer
 Skin Cancer Screening
Newtownâs 12th annual All American Public Health and Safety Fair will be held on Saturday, September 24, in the gym at the middle school on Queen Street.
The fair will be celebrating Newtownâs tercentennial and will feature a wide assortment of health and safety information. The Newtown Visiting Nurse Association booth offer a skin cancer screening to local residents by Dr William Notaro, a dermatologist who lives in Newtown, between 10 am and 1:30 pm. Each screening will take about 10 minutes so residents are asked to call Mona Lauricella at 426-6556 to schedule appointments.
Skin cancer is on the rise, especially among young people. It can be cured if caught in the early stage, so the VNA is pleased that Dr Notaro volunteered his services to provide this screening.
The health fair, with more than 70 attractions, will be held from 11 am to 2 pm, rain or shine.