A Very Rough And Very Loud Road Surface
To the Editor:
I write in support of Nancy Dvorin’s concern (“Is The New 302 Surfacing Too Noisy,” August 19) about the effect of the DOT’s new road surface, asphalt rubber chip seal, now being tested on State Route 302 (Sugar Street).
Driving on the surface, it is easy to think that one is driving over an unfinished road. It is rough and it is so noisy that one can hear the difference in one’s car. Worse, according to the AAA, rough surfaces wear on tires more than smooth surfaces, the kind of road we are used to.
And, because this is New England, what does a rough road surface do to the efficiency of snow removal?
If you are concerned about the effects and noise of this new road surface, contact the DOT on their electronic contact form accessible on this page: portal.ct.gov/DOT/Common-Elements/V4-Template/Contact-Us
And, contact our representatives in Hartford:
Representative Mitch Bolinsky (cthousegop.com/bolinsky/contact-me/)
Representative Tony Scott (cthousegop.com/scott/contact-me/)
Representative Raghib Allie-Brennan (E-mail: Raghib.Allie-Brennan@cga.ct.gov)
State Senator Tony Hwang (ctsenaterepublicans.com/contact-hwang/) — and share your thoughts.
Laura E. Lerman