Vote For Walczak For BOE
To the Editor,
This is the first time that I have ever submitted a letter of endorsement for a political candidate.
The polarization and enmity of the two-party system has compelled me to speak out. A Democratic candidate will follow the will of his/her party, as does the Republican candidate. An Independent candidate will follow the will of the people that elected them.
I have known Bruce Walczak for many years. Bruce has lived in Newtown for over 37 years. He has been a leader in bringing change and help to our community. He is on the Newtown Business Advisory Council headed by our First Selectman Dan Rosenthal. Bruce was Treasurer and then President of Newtown Youth and Family Services. He is on the State Central Committee Independent Party.
Bruce is well versed in the way that Newtown is organized. He understands what is required to keep Newtown the town and home that we want — the place to raise our children. We wanted a superior school system that educates our youth and gives us a voice in deciding how that education is accomplished. When change is needed, Bruce is always there to investigate, set the record straight, and hold our elected officials accountable.
We need progress, and meaningful discourse, not repetition and uncompromising adherence to a party line. We need a strong and responsive Board of Education. Our town and our children deserve the best we can give them. It’s time we elected someone who will represent our voice and not the voice of an established party.
We need Bruce Walczak to give this town what it needs, the voice of those of us that live here. Bring that voice to the polls and vote for Bruce to represent us and our children.
Respectfully yours,
Dr Joseph Young