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Grifters Gonna Grift



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To the Editor:

I’m not embarrassed to say I was a follower and principled advocate for the policies of Donald Trump while in office.

His policies:

*Made the USA energy independent;

*Got NATO members to spend what they said they would spend on defense;

*Encouraged Germany and others to buy American not Russian energy — didn’t happen;

*Guided the global warming movement into a proper and realistic place within our economy;

*Extinguished dangerous relations with North Korea and Russia;

*Made China and Iran literally pay for their anti-American activities;

*Resisted the unbelievable position of “feminists” encouraging men/boys to compete with women/girls;

*Fought the overt racism of black activists who have reverted to judging a person by the color of their skin, not the content of their character, and demand reparations for intergenerational guilt from the entire white race;

*Reinvigorated the economy, primarily raising the quality of life for our lowest earners;

*Rebuilt the military to its former power;

*Made the actual commitment to bring work and jobs back to America;

*Facilitated the fastest dissemination of new COVID vaccines.

He was a fierce defender of our country, its values and history, and made us proud of our record defending the rights and freedoms of the world’s nations. His accomplishments made our world a better, safer, more free place, even if his personal behavior was abominable. He will undoubtedly be considered one of the greatest presidents of the 21st Century, but only if judged solely by his accomplishments.

For his unapologetic promotion of all things American.

But he did this all at a great price: the denigration of the Office of the Presidency.

Being a New Yorker and daily reader of the major New York papers for the past 45 years I knew full-well the trail of ruin he left behind him in his personal and business lives. A trail too long to list in this letter. And I knew he’d probably continue his assault on the rules of propriety and good behavior while President. Why would he change his stripes simply because he had a new gig? He wouldn’t, couldn’t and didn’t.

But now, again, we see the man as he really is. Disgraced in losing the presidency to the very epitome of the Swamp. Losing an election to someone as corrupt, feckless, incompetent, and untruthful as Biden must have been the ultimate insult to Trump.

And just as there are those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) there are now those suffering from what I call Trump Engagement Syndrome. Those poor souls who believe that the 2020 election was stolen from the American people — that Trump really won the election. They are inconsolable, just like the TDS folks; just as unable to see reality for what it is. Trump knows this about his followers and fosters their adulation pretending he’s done it all for them.

As one of his campaign slogans says, “ They’re really not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

Grifters gonna grift.

Peter McLoughlin


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1 comment
  1. qstorm says:

    What did Bill Clinton do to the ‘Office of the President’? Obama bowed to Saudis and sent billions back to Iran. That office ain’t what it used to be. Time to get off the high horse and see the world as it is – anti-America and growing ever more dangerous since 2021.

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