Dial Down Party Politics — Vote Independent
To the Editor:
Last spring, a book banning proposal created unnecessary commotion and turmoil in our community — while diverting the attentions of the school board from the hard work of overseeing Newtown’s schools. What provided the spark for this wrongheaded proposal?
Answer: Party politics. Specifically, a cynical belief that bringing divisive culture war issues into school board meetings would help the national party win elections for other offices.
This incident underscored the danger of partisan politics run amok.
Newtown’s citizens rely on the Board of Education to do the hard work of hiring/ evaluating/ terminating the superintendent, setting annual budgets, overseeing the collective bargaining process with teachers, making decisions about school buildings and maintenance, and more. Needless grandstanding and stirring the culture war pot are not on the list.
Because the work of school boards is supposed to be non-political, 41 states require school board elections to be non-partisan. Unfortunately, Connecticut is not one of them.
If you want our town to once again be at the forefront of national culture wars, with more book banning/ censorship proposals, endless diversity trainings, and shrill demagoguery over which students can use which bathroom, vote Democrat or Republican in Newtown’s school board election.
If instead, you believe that level-headed, experienced, community-minded citizens belong on the school board, then vote for Independent Bruce Walczak.
Bruce Walczak can be counted on to focus on Newtown’s students and taxpayers. He’s been a resident of Newtown for over 30 years. He has an extensive track record of community service.
As past president and active board member of the Newtown Lions Club, Bruce initiated the eye screening program of 1500 Newtown students each year. Two of his children attended Sandy Hook Elementary School.
On November 7, let’s dial down the party politics and vote for Independent Bruce Walczak.
Arnie Berman
Sandy Hook