Registration for the 2007-08 Newtown Youth Basketball Association will be available online this year and will be open within the week.
Registration for the 2007-08 Newtown Youth Basketball Association will be available online this year and will be open within the week.
Parents interested in registering their son or daughter for the upcoming season can visit to register. All forms, information and calendar of events can be found there.
There will also be two walk-in registrations sessions for all levels on Saturday, September 8, 10 am to 12 noon, and Monday, September 10, 6:30 to 8 pm, in the Newtown High School cafeteria. Mail-in registrations will also be accepted (send to P.O. Box 196, Newtown, CT, 06470).
Online and mail-in registrations received prior to September 6 will have priority over the walk-in registrations. Keep in mind, some of the time slots for the popular Biddy League may fill up before the first walk-in registration date.
New this year, the cutoff date for registrations will be October 24 for all leagues â except the Senior League, which will cutoff on December 12 after the high school tryout period ends. All players and parents will be required to sign a Code of Ethics agreement and a medical waiver.
Fees are to be paid at the time of registration (make checks payable to NYBA Inc.). Fee is $115 per player, but with family pricing plan the registration fee for the third youngest child and each additional younger sibling is $40 off. For example, a family with one junior, two midgets and one biddy would pay $350 (115+115+75+45).
For more information, please e-mail or contact Jack Shpunt at 426-1935 or Vince Brophy at 270-8796 after 8 pm