Directed by Tony Saracini and featuring John Congdon, Amy Ehnstrom, Julliette Garrison, Joe Harding , Bob Lussier , Mary Shuldman, Patti Azzara, Shaine Carney, Beth Harding, Diana Matson, Josh Morse, Mike Powers, Baby will open Friday, September 14.
Directed by Tony Saracini and featuring John Congdon, Amy Ehnstrom, Julliette Garrison, Joe Harding , Bob Lussier , Mary Shuldman, Patti Azzara, Shaine Carney, Beth Harding, Diana Matson, Josh Morse, Mike Powers, Baby will open Friday, September 14.
Sue Gory will serve as stage manager, Todd Gorski is handling music, and the set design is by Peter Sayers. The play is being produced by John Sheehan.
Baby is the story of three couples ranging in ages from their twenties to their forties who face new beginnings in their lives when each couple learns they are going to have a baby.
The play begins in cold gray March, continues through green spring and summer and ends nine months later in brown-gray November.
As usual the seating at the theater barn is cabaret style (bring in your own food and drink), at tables where the audience can sit back and enjoy the show.
Due to mature themes, parental guidance may be needed for the age ten-and-under group.
Performances will begin at 8 pm Fridays and Saturdays from September 14 through October 6. Doors open at 7 pm. Tickets for all performances are $15 for adults, and $12 for students and seniors.
Reservations can be made by calling the box office, 203-431-9850, or visiting the theaterâs Web site, The theater barn is at 37 Halpin Lane.