The Double Cost Of Summer Recreation
The Double Cost
Of Summer Recreation
To the Editor:
You ran an article about Eichlerâs cove [âSecluded Cove And Beach At Eichlerâs Cove Remain Largely Unused By Newtownâs Swimmers,â August 22]. Does the town really want people to use it? I checked it out, and it is lovely. I expected to be able to launch a boat there or rent a slip. Itâs nearly the same ride to Candlewood lake to a free boat launch on a wider, more usable body of water. I expected to be able to swim at Treadwell or Eichlerâs with one pass. When Dickinson was opened I swam there if it was clean at the beginning of the season and sometimes used the lap lane at Treadwell. I could not use it daily because of weather and work schedule. I could not use it before work because it was not opened for adults or anyone else in hours outside of school schedule. All Newtowners do not operate only between the hours of 11 and 6. Matter of fact, the hours of operation inhibit joining.
I tried to buy a day pass to try Eichlerâs, but at the recreation office one can only buy a full set of daily passes at a prohibitive cost. Your article stated, âCosts could have been another concern. Unlike the general pass offered in the past for access to both Treadwell and Dickinson pools, passes for Treadwell and Eichlerâs Cove are separate. A family pass to Treadwell or to Eichlerâs is $140 individually. A combined pass is $230.â
With such high taxes in Newtown why is there a double cost to the summer recreation area? One must buy a pass to swim and buy a separate boat launch pass. A trial free week may attract town folk to Eichlerâs, then you might sell a membership...but reduce the cost. Until then Candlewood is warm and welcoming and nearby.
C. Polard
5 Point O Rocks Road, Newtown                               August 24, 2008