Free Head & Neck Cancer Screening
Free Head & Neck Cancer Screening
NEW MILFORD â On Tuesday, September 9, from 4 to 8 pm (by appointment only) ENT Timothy Kaiser, MD, will hold a free head and neck cancer screening at Litchfield County Ear, Nose & Throat, located at 146 Danbury Road.
It is estimated that in the United States almost 40,000 people develop head and neck cancer each year, and an even larger number develop skin cancers of the head, neck, and face. Although the major risk factor is tobacco, including smokeless, other risk factors are alcohol, sun exposure, radiation, some industrial exposures, and poor oral hygiene.
Men and women over the age of 50 have the highest rate of incidence.
Early detection provides the best opportunity for treatment and recovery, and the public is strongly encouraged to take advantage of this free screening.
To make an appointment or for more information call Litchfield County Ear, Nose & Throat at 860-350-8228.