Let The Council Know Your Opinion
Let The Council Know Your Opinion
To the Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who took the time to listen to us, and then support the Charter Revision Commission by signing the petition to allow the entire charter revision proposal on the November ballot.
Although the support was overwhelming you must keep watching and listening. There is no guarantee that the Legislative Council will follow through and do their part to ensure that this proposal makes it to the November ballot. Once the required signatures were collected, the council could have called a special meeting to put an end to the issue; they chose not to do that. As a matter of fact it was not scheduled to be on the agenda for the next regular meeting, which is Wednesday, September 5, at the library.
A member of the council has requested that this item be put on the agenda, so it will be discussed and hopefully settled next Wednesday night.
Please plan on attending this very important meeting and let the council hear your opinion and your wishes that you be allowed to decide on the proposed changes to the charter at the November election.
Joe Hemingway
10 Overlook Knoll, Sandy Hook                                 August 29, 2001