60-Plus Wellness Screening Set
60-Plus Wellness Screening Set
The Newtown Senior Center will present a 60-Plus Wellness Screening on Wednesday, September 5. This service offers preventative health screenings, health education, and referrals to persons aged 60 and over on an annual basis in Connecticut. The program is run by Elderly Health Screening Service and sponsors of the health tests include the State Department of Social Services, local communities, St Maryâs Hospital, and the United Way.
Screenings include health history, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, blood tests (CBC, chemistry, sugar), urinalysis, blood in stool, glaucoma test, distance vision, hearing, breast exam, Pap/pelvic, or prostate exam. In addition, our staff instructs each individual in appropriate health concerns for them.
There is a suggested donation of $25 ($35 with Pap testing), to assist in covering costs not paid for through state or local grants. More or less is accepted.
Information or appointments for screenings may be obtained by contacting the senior center at 270-4310.