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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Citizens Deserve Strong Alternative



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To the Editor:

It seemed mere hours after the gubernatorial Connecticut primaries when the name calling began between the two nominees. After Ned Lamont called Bob Stefanowski ‘Bob Trumpanowski,’ Mr Stefanowski fired back and called Mr Lamont ‘Ned Malloy.’ And so it goes, the start of Connecticut’s governor race.

Don’t we, as educated, better-mannered citizens, deserve more? A candidate who just wants to solve problems and make Connecticut a better place to live and work? One who isn’t tied to a political party’s platform, can think independently, and who can take suggestions from the left AND the right while not dragging us through the political mud and muck?

That’s why I’m endorsing Oz Griebel for governor and his running mate, Monte Frank, as Lieutenant Governor. Oz Griebel was a lifelong Republican. Monte Frank a lifelong Democrat. They have teamed up as independents to offer frustrated and disenfranchised Connecticut voters a strong alternative to the name-calling, polar opposite candidates currently running.

Will you join me in supporting these two gentlemen in giving us a better choice to make Connecticut a premier state to live in?

Thank you,

Brian Hartgraves

33 Little Brook Lane, Newtown August 22, 2018

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