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A Poor, Overpowering Bank Design



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A Poor,

Overpowering Bank Design

To the Editor:

I am writing as a concerned resident of Sandy Hook to express my disappointment in the concept of the planned redevelopment in Sandy Hook. After reading the letters in The Newtown Bee last week, I realize that many more Newtown residents are also distressed about the design of the new Newtown Savings Bank to be built at the corner of Riverside and Washington Streets.

At the Planning and Zoning meeting on July 15 where the redevelopment was shown, no building design was presented. At this meeting, however, an objection was raised to the proposed building. The redevelopment concept as a whole seems fine, but many people (almost everyone to whom I have talked) strongly object to the factorylike building which was shown in The Newtown Bee on August 13. The pictures shown together illustrating the old colonial-style building along with the new concept just reemphasized the poor, overpowering design. I understand that the old building is beyond repair or rejuvenation, but why replace it with a design such as shown?

At that meeting it was mentioned that only two people reviewed the design for the town and it was appalling to learn that it had been pushed through with no input from the public.

The Newtown Savings Bank has always been thoughtful in considering the ambience of its surroundings in areas such as Southbury and on Main Street, and I wonder if there is any way that the bank might reconsider a design that does not upset the integrity of the small, lovely village of Sandy Hook. Other recent constructions in Sandy Hook have been tasteful and in character with the area. It certainly would be a very positive move for the bank if it were to consider a new design more in keeping with the village. I have written letters to Mr Trentacosta, bank president, and to First Selectman Patricia Llodra expressing these thoughts and hope others might join me in encouraging this change.

If those of you reading this are concerned as well, will you please get in touch with Jean Sanders at 203-364-1833 or me at 203-304-1533.

Nancy B. Whittemore

42 Watkins Drive, Sandy Hook                                 August 24, 2010

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