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P&Z Approves Four-Lot Southbrook Estates Subdivision



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P&Z Approves Four-Lot Southbrook Estates Subdivision

By Andrew Gorosko

The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) has approved a four-lot residential subdivision, known as Southbrook Estates, for a 6.5-acre site at 86 South Main Street, near Greenbriar Lane.

On August 19, P&Z members approved the proposal to build four single-family houses submitted by R. Mathison Construction, LLC. The approval takes effect August 30.

As a condition of the approval, the P&Z is requiring the developer to post a $157,000 performance bond to guarantee that planned site improvements are made at the property, which is on the west side of South Main Street. The land is in a R-1 zone, which requires a minimum of one acre for house construction.

The bonding will cover the construction of a dead-end subdivision road, the installation of public water lines and a fire hydrant, and the planting of ornamental trees. The bond also will cover the installation of building lot pins and monuments.

Instead of the typical donation of open space land to the town or to a land trust, the developer will donate fees in lieu of open space to the town. The developer has agreed to donate $5,300 to the town as each of the four building lots in the subdivision are sold, resulting in an overall donation of $21,200.

The P&Z occasionally accepts such fees instead of land in cases where open space land would not necessarily be practical in a subdivision. Such fees are earmarked for other town open space acquisition.

 As a condition of the approval, the P&Z is requiring that existing trees, which stand along some  boundaries of Lot 1 and Lot 4 in the subdivision, be preserved to the greatest extent possible.

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