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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

BOE Hopes To Retain Bus Drivers With Incentives Plan



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While bus driver shortages have been common among many districts in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Newtown has been hit especially hard.

With many drivers leaving the district for higher wages offered in districts elsewhere in the state, the Board of Education at its August 23 meeting unanimously approved incentives to help retain its current drivers as well as to attract new hires.

The district is offering a $2,500 retention bonus for current drivers and a $2,000 hiring bonus for new drivers. It is a one-time, one-year payment. Superintendent of Schools Chris Melillo estimates that All-Star bus drivers make $2 to $5 per hour less than they would at competitor bus companies.

Board member Dan Cruson expressed disappointment that this has become a board issue, rather than something dealt with by All-Star Transportation, the bus company currently retained by Newtown.

“I understand we’re using money we got back from All-Star, but they’re still not stepping up,” said Cruson.

The district currently runs 49 buses. The savings being used towards the incentives comes from streamlined bus routes that allow the district to run 49 buses rather than the 54 buses currently in the contract. The incentive package will use approximately one-third to one-half of those savings, according to Melillo.

Pete Sandler, a bus driver in Newtown for All-Star and a shop steward with the employee union, said that the drivers had been trying to push All-Star to “get competitive” with wages, but the only wage that is currently competitive is for “new drivers without a CDL.”

Sandler said that three drivers have left over the summer and a fourth was a no-show on the first day for drivers. He said he heard the fourth driver had been applying to another district, and he has had several union members approach him and tell him that they are applying at other districts.

“We appreciate that the board is doing something,” said Sandler. “We’re disappointed that our employer is not recognizing something that should be clear.”

Subs Pitching In

The delayed opening of New Milford schools this year means that Newtown will be able to rely on “sufficient substitute drivers” to get the town through the first week.

“After that, who knows,” said Sandler.

Some board members expressed concerns over giving new drivers a hiring bonus, who would then take the bonus and leave for another district. According to Board member Jennifer Larkin, the district already has a problem where, since All-Star offers free CDL training, new drivers are taking the training and then when finished, seek jobs in other districts.

“We do want to prevent that,” said Larkin. “We don’t want to be giving them money and then we’re back in the same boat — or bus.”

Business and Finance Director Tanja Vadas told the board that the district and contractor would work out details of how the incentive would work with the district’s lawyers.

“Not all details have been worked out yet,” said Vadas, who noted that a priority would be that the money would help keep the drivers.

Board member John Vouros said that the incentives should be given out over the year, “not 60 days, or 30 days, or however long it takes them to deposit it in their bank account.”

“We want them to stay and drive our children through June,” said Vouros.

Larkin said there are two parts — the town shouldn’t hold the incentive bonus.

“Not all the details are worked out yet,” said Larkin “We do have some drivers we’re losing. They want to stay here, they’re happy here. Their choice to go elsewhere is for higher wages. If we can retain them by giving them their bonus earlier, there will be installments for both. We want to get funds in the hands of the current drivers sooner than later.”

Cruson also expressed concerns about the money actually ending up in the driver’s hands since it needs to be funneled back through All-Star, the employer.

“We will expect an accounting of that,” said Vadas.

Associate Editor Jim Taylor can be reached at jim@thebee.com.

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1 comment
  1. voter says:

    Maybe the state of Connecticut could broaden the pool of candidates by dropping the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for drivers? The risk-benefit analysis at this point seems to favor having more bus drivers available over any possible vaccine effectiveness.

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