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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Bad Joke, At Taxpayers’ Expense



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To the Editor:

Here we go again... another summer coming to a close and again the Route 84 paving project in Newtown still has not been completed.

2019: Route 84, Exit 9-10 Eastbound: Started in May with paving the highway, tearing the highway up, inserting cement rectangles, signs were put up warning of dates for ramp closures, dates came and went, signs were removed, signs reappeared with new dates, dates came and went, and to date, ramps still have not been paved. Then came winter.

Fast forward to 2020: Route 84, Exit 9-10 Westbound: Started in May with tearing up the highway and inserting cement rectangles. The notification signs are a joke. First they alerted us to days in May when the ramp would be closed. Those were changed several times then disappeared. Now they have reappeared, notifying us of ramp work, but again nothing happens. No work is done. The ramp has not been touched in six months, but we have had plenty of notifications arrive and pass on the signs.

I have contacted our State Representative, but apparently he has no power to get this completed. We are paying for this inefficient waste of material, time, and manpower. I could have arranged a better plan and gotten it done before the plants closed for winter. This has been a bad joke at the expense of the taxpayers. Maybe we all need to alert the media to get this out in the public eye. I encourage others to join.

Jill Previs

20 Chimney Swift Drive, Sandy Hook August 24, 2020

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