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Cultural Events

Back At Booth: Voices Of Poetry



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Cyrenius H. Booth Library will host an afternoon of fine poetry on Sunday, September 20, from 2 to 4 pm.

The event, “Voices of Poetry/Back at Booth,” will feature poetry by the award-winning poets Nicole Callihan, Alfred Corn and David Tomas Martinez. The special event is being sponsored by the Friends of the Cyrenius H. Booth Library. All are welcome, free of charge.

Nicole Callihan’s work has appeared in The L Magazine, Painted Bride Quarterly, Forklift, Ohio, PANK and as a Poem-a-Day feature from the Academy of American Poets.

Her books include the nonfiction Henry River Mill Village (Arcadia Publishing, 2012), co-written with Ruby Young Kellar; the teaching resource, From Medusa to the Sky: Teaching Writing to Children with Special Needs (Teachers & Writers Collaborative, 2013); and the poetry collection, SuperLoop (Sock Monkey Press, 2014).

Together with Zoe Ryder White, Ms Callihan recently received the 2015 Baltic Writing Residency Chapbook Contest Award for their chapbook, A Study in Spring, to be released by Rabbit Catastrophe Press this fall. Her chapbook, The Deeply Flawed Human, is slated for release in spring 2016. She is a Senior Language Lecturer at New York University, where she has received an Excellence in Teaching award every year since she began teaching in 2002.

Alfred Corn has published ten books of poems, including Stake: Selected Poems, 1972-1992 (1999) and, most recently, Unions (2014). He has also published a novel, Part of His Story; a study of prosody, The Poem’s Heartbeat; and two collections of critical essays, The Metamorphoses of Metaphor and Atlas: Selected Essays, 1989-2007. His second novel, Miranda’s Book, was published in late 2014.

He has received a Fulbright Fellowship; Guggenheim, NEA, and NYFA fellowships; an Award in Literature from the Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters; a fellowship from the Academy of American Poets; and the Dillon, Blumenthal, and Levinson Prizes from Poetry magazine.

Mr Corn has taught in the Graduate Writing Program at Columbia University and held visiting posts at UCLA, the University of Cincinnati, the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma State, and Yale.

His book reviews have appeared in The New York Times Book Review, The Nation, The New Republic, The Hudson Review, and Poetry London. He also writes art criticism for Art in America and ARTnews magazines.

David Tomas Martinez’s work has been published or is forthcoming in Poetry Magazine, Ploughshares, Boston Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Oxford American, Forklift; Ohio, Poetry International, Gulf Coast, Crab Orchard Review, Drunken Boat, Academy of American Poet’s Poem-A-Day, Poetry Foundation’s PoetryNow, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, Split This Rock, Ampersand Review, Caldera Review, Verse Junkies, California Journal of Poetics, and others.

He has been featured or written about in Poets & Writers, Publishers Weekly, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” Poetry, NBC Latino, Buzzfeed, Houstonia Magazine, Houston Art & Culture, Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express News, Bull City Press, Border Voices, and many others.

Having earned his MFA at San Diego State University, he is currently a PhD candidate in the University of Houston’s Creative Writing program, with an emphasis in poetry; and he is the reviews and interviews editor for Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts.

He has been a Breadloaf and CantoMundo Fellow. His debut collection of poetry, Hustle, was released in 2014 by Sarabande Books, which won the New England Book Festival’s prize in poetry, the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award, and honorable mention in the Antonio Cisneros Del Moral prize. He is the 2015 winner of the Verlaine Poetry Prize from Inprint.

Voices of Poetry was founded by poet and poetry activist Neil Silberblatt. Since 2012, VOP has presented a series of poetry (and music) events, featuring distinguished poets and writers, at various venues including Katonah Village Library; Hartford Public Library; The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art and Ridgefield Library in Ridgefield; New Britain Museum of American Art; Gunn Memorial Library and Washington Art Association in Washington; and Cornelia Street Café in NYC.

This will be the second annual presentation at C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street in Newtown. For additional information about or directions to the library, call 203-426-4533 or visit chboothlibrary.org.

For inquiries about this and future Voices of Poetry events, contact Neil Silberblatt at voicesofpoet@gmail.com.

The second annual presentation of a Voices of Poetry event at C.H. Booth Library will feature poetry by the award-winning poets Nicole Callihan (above), Alfred Corn (below) and David Tomas Martinez (bottom). 
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