Lindsay-Abaire's Dark Comedy Is Coming To The Little Theater
Lindsay-Abaireâs Dark Comedy Is Coming To The Little Theater
Town Players of Newtown will continue its 70th anniversary season with Fuddy Meers, David Lindsay-Abaireâs irreverent dark comedy, opening Friday, September 2.
Fuddy Meers recounts a day in the life of Claire, who has a rare form of amnesia that erases her memory whenever she falls asleep. Each morning, her husband Richard presents her with a little scrapbook of useful information to help her reconstruct her life. But on this particular day Claire encounters a curio cabinet of bizarre characters as she attempts to regain her memory.
A limping, lisping, half-blind, half-deaf man claiming to be her brother whisks her off to the house of her mother Gertie, a recent stroke victim whose speech is unintelligible. Arriving at the house in quick succession are an ex-convict, Millet, with his foul-mouthed hand-puppet, Hinky-Binky; Claireâs husband, Richard, with pot-smoking son, Kenny; and Heidi, a cop theyâve kidnapped on the way. This mad-cap romp belies darker undertones as Claireâs past is gradually revealed.
Directed by Mary Poile of Ridgefield and produced by Evelyne Thomas of Newtown, Fuddy Meers features Elise Bochinski of Weston as the amnesiatic Claire; Newtown residents Marie Rowe as Gertie, Charlie Cowles as Richard and Melanie Strumbl as Heidi; Manuel Browne of Milford as Millet; Jorge Jones of Great Britain as Hinky Binky; Aaron L. Schwartz of Middletown as Limping Man; and Kyle Langan of Fairfield as Kenny.
The play contains mature themes and language and is not considered suitable for children.
Performances will be at The Little Theatre on Orchard Hill Road, Newtown, on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, through September 24. There will be one Sunday matinee on September 18 at 2 pm.
Tickets are $15 for evening shows, and $12 for the matinee.
For reservations or directions call the box office at 270-9144 or visit