Join The PTA
Join The PTA
To the Editor:
This is a plea to the Newtown community to join the Newtown PTA Council and the Connecticut PTA for a Leadership Training session on Thursday, September 1, from 7 to 9 pm, at the Reed Intermediate School Cafetorium. All parents, grandparents, teachers, and administrators are welcome to join us!
This is an exciting time as we work to grow our PTA programs in Newtown with the renewal of PTA Council. Our PTA Council will consist of representation from all seven schools in our Newtown district. Through the strength of a united PTA Council we hope to bring opportunities to our community that would not be possible for a single, smaller school PTA to do alone. Look for more information in your school newsletters this year.
Please join us with your questions, ideas and enthusiasm on September 1!
Sarah Beier
Newtown PTA Council President
7 Yogananda Street, Sandy Hook                             August 22, 2005