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At this time of year, most parents have bought all the gear for their kids to go back to school. Crisp autumn weather arrives and somehow it seems the best time in the world to get a new puppy. You know the drill, your child comes home from the first



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At this time of year, most parents have bought all the gear for their kids to go back to school. Crisp autumn weather arrives and somehow it seems the best time in the world to get a new puppy. You know the drill, your child comes home from the first day of school, meets a new classmate who has a dog and then comes the punch line – Please Oh Please Can We Get A Dog?

Author Cheryl Peterson (no relation) grabs that line for the title of her new book, Please Oh Please Can We Get A Dog?: Parents’ Guide to Dog Ownership published by Howell Book House® earlier this year as a Howell Dog Book of Distinction.

You may be thinking, yeah, we could get a dog. How cute, the puppy and the child can start the school year together and before you know it you are the proud parents of yet another bundle of joy. But before you make that leap of faith, parents should read Peterson’s book, especially the chapter on how to say “no” to the child when the puppy request comes in.  

As a long-time breeder of Weimaraners and Vizslas and an AKC judge, Peterson has expert credentials. Plus, she speaks from experience as she has consulted many families on whether to take the big step into dog ownership.

The Big Questions

Peterson has a list of the most important questions you should ask yourself and your family before committing to drastically changing your life for at least the next 10 years.

wIs your lifestyle suitable for a family dog?

wWhat is involved with responsible dog ownership, and how much will it cost?

wHow much can you reasonably count on the kids to help once the newness of owning a dog has worn off?

wWhat breed or mix will best fit your family?

wHow do you find the right dog?

wHow do you train the dog?

But even before you tackle these topics, read chapter three, “Saying No To Your Child.” Not only does she give great advice about how to tell the child they can’t get a dog because the older brother is allergic, but also how to tell them “no” now means “maybe” later on in some cases. It’s a delicate topic that children will remember for a lifetime.

How many of you told the breeder when you picked up your first dog, “I always wanted a dog as a child but my parents wouldn’t let me. So now I’m finally getting a one.” Peterson gives workable examples of how not to cause stress or lifelong resentment when explaining the reasons why you have said no.

Best of Breeds

If you decide the answer to the title of the book is “yes” then read ahead at warp speed. There is plenty of great information in this 192-page book. It’s an easy read with breakaway vignettes and cute photos. At times, the author assumes the reader knows a bit more about purebred dogs and dog shows than the average first-time owner, but still she does a good job of explaining the topics very well.

The chapter, “What type of dog should you get?” makes deciding on the breed for you and how to find a responsible breeder easier than starting from scratch. Peterson gives a mini-lesson on genetics and health of purebreds and encourages readers to read the official “standard” for each breed to know what type of dog you can expect as an adult. She offers extensive lists of breeds, registries and an excellent chapter on how to interview a breeder along with what questions to ask. This book is not just parents it’s great for anyone – from novice to experienced dog owner – interested in getting a dog.

To learn more about this title visit http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0764572970.html

Lisa Peterson, a long-time breeder of Norwegian Elkhounds, is the Director of Club Communications at the American Kennel Club. Contact her at ask@lisa-peterson.com  or Dogma Publishing, P.O. Box 307, Newtown, CT 06470.

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