Memories Of Working For Scudder Smith
To the Editor:
I was tearful and saddened to hear that Scudder Smith passed away August 14. To me, he was a wonderful role model and friend.
Like my father, he had an irrepressible independence, an artistic side, an intellectual curiosity, traditional values, and a strong work ethic with expectations that we should have one, too. He exuded a sort of wry humor and a cantankerous warmth that felt so New England.
I worked for Scudder Smith as a reporter and proofreader when I was having my children in the late 1990s. I can remember approaching him after maternity leave for my first child. I asked him for very specialized hours.
His eyes grew wide; he complained a bit. Then, he made the accommodations. Back then, employers were not so flexible, but, honestly, I never had any doubts that he would work with me. I was quite lucky to have him as an employer.
Scudder and I also bonded with gardening. I loved plants and the aesthetics of gardens; he did as well. Frankly, he kind of lived out my dreams. His scale of work was so much larger than mine. Yet, he was inviting, as gardeners tend to be. He would invite me over not only to let my children swim in his pool but also to show me his work outside.
I loved working in Scudder’s world, replete with the bee weathervane on top. I think seared in my memory is the image of Scudder in his beautifully pressed colorful shirt with the sleeves rolled up, working in the layout room, perhaps a golden retriever somewhere nearby or Curtiss Clark whispering news or a score in his ear.
I hope the Newtown community appreciates the very special gift that Scudder and the Smith family has provided — maintaining an outstanding local newspaper for the community.
Independently owned, local newspapers are so rare now. They are much-needed middle men, fact-checking, recording history, providing institutional memory and balance, and calling for restraint and politeness.
Scudder was a committed member of the Fourth Estate and a committed member of Newtown. Scudder — I hope you are picking out some cool maple to plant up in heaven!
All my best to the Smith family,
Amy D’Orio