WASHINGTON - The classic country horse show is returning to the Steep Rock Preserve in Washington on Sunday, September 23.
WASHINGTON â The classic country horse show is returning to the Steep Rock Preserve in Washington on Sunday, September 23.
The Washington Horse Show was held at Steep Rock for years and is being revived as a benefit for one of the oldest land trusts in the state. The event (starting at 9 am) will have classes for all abilities from lead line to the Steep Rock Challenge, which is a cross country jump course through the woods with natural obstacles.
Several classes will be held for Litchfield Lâil Britches, a local therapeutic riding program.
Classic trophies will be awarded for championships.
There will also be a musical dressage demonstration by local dressage expert Pat Perucci as well as a raffle with many prizes donated by friends and local businesses. A catered luncheon will be held for $15 per person and standard horse show food will be available all day from the Bethlehem Lions booth.
To receive a prize list, become a sponsor, advertiser or volunteer call 203-263-4713 or email info@washingtonhorseshow.com.