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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Climate Change Is Fueling More Intense Weather Events



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To the Editor:

There is little doubt among experts that climate change is fueling more intense weather events. Last year, Connecticut recorded its tenth warmest year on record. This past weekend, we witnessed the effects of heavy rainfall here and in neighboring towns. On Sunday, 12.45 inches of rain fell in Newtown. Historically a rare occurrence, but we must consider that this is no longer the case. I hope our town officials will take seriously the threat of increasing weather events when considering intense development which will likely escalate flooding and stream erosion, overrun sewers and contaminate private wells. Protecting our neighbors and their properties should be the highest priority.

Holly Kocet


A letter from Holly Kocet.
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