By Siobhan Greiner"/> By Siobhan Greiner"/> Good People In This World By Siobhan Greiner – The Newtown Bee

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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Good People In This World <font size="3"> By Siobhan Greiner</font>



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To the Editor:

I had lunch at the Newtown General Store on Tuesday, August 16, around 12:30 pm. I was there with my 3-year-old and 1-year-old girls after visiting the EverWonder Children's Museum for a fun morning activity during a heat spell. Of course, as is always the case when navigating the world with young children, there were some challenges. The girls were great, but the baby was somewhat restless in line. My 3-year-old wanted to sit down and color, but I wanted to make sure I could keep my eyes on her at all times while I was waiting to place our order. The kids needed constant attentiveness while eating their food. Just the everyday type of stuff.

There was a lovely gentleman by himself behind us in line, who entertained my children. While we sat down to eat our meal, he happened to sit beside us and enjoyed his meal on his own. As he was leaving, he stopped by our table and told me as he left, "You're doing a great job." I can't tell you how much that meant to me. It is sometimes the simplest gestures of kindness and compassion from a stranger that can turn your week around and reaffirm your belief that there are so many good people in this world. His words and example have stuck with me all week and I just hope that he may read this. Thank you sir. Thank you for letting my children witness your acts of kindness. I hope that I may pay it forward.

With great appreciation,

Siobhan Greiner

83 Smedley Road, Fairfield                  August 22, 2016

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