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Horse Guard Troopers Participate In Annual Training Event



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Horse Guard Troopers Participate In Annual Training Event

Forty troopers and 22 mounts left by convoy to participate in the Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard week-long annual Training at Camp Rell in Niantic, recently.

Supplies, including tack and mess equipment as well as hay and grain for the horses, were all taken to the camp.

In addition to participating in fire arms training simulation and team building exercises at Stone’s Ranch, the troop’s main event was the squad competition.

Three squads of troopers competed in mounted and dismounted drill, and were judged during an inspection of the barracks. The troop also visited Camp Harkness and performed a Cavalry Drill for the disabled residents, and then provided “pony rides” on the mounts.

2GHG troopers participate in ceremonial events including parades, funeral honor guards, gubernatorial inaugurals, presidential inaugural parades and other events at the order of either the Governor or the Adjutant General. Members are dedicated to preserving the history of the cavalry in the State of Connecticut.

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