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ConnDOT Announces The Launch Of CTrides.com



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ConnDOT Announces The Launch Of CTrides.com

NEWINGTON — Where do you go on the Internet to find out more about public transportation in Connecticut? The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has just made it easier than ever to find transit information in Connecticut – On the Web at www.CTrides.com.

Best described as an “informational portal,” the site will offer links to all of Connecticut’s public bus, train, paratransit, and rideshare providers, as well as phone numbers of those providers that do not have a Web site.

“This will be a great benefit for commuters seeking alternatives to driving alone,” said Transportation Commissioner James F. Sullivan. “This site brings together all of the different options for commuters at one location on the Web. It emphasizes how much public transportation is available throughout our state.”

The Web site is being launched on September 1, 2000, as part of ConnDOT’s annual Try Transit campaign. Try Transit Week (September 10 through 16), originally developed by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), promotes transit’s benefits, honors transit employees and customers, and encourages new riders. Other elements of Connecticut’s campaign include interstate highway billboards, radio advertisements, and local promotional events held at transit hubs.

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