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Snapshot: Oscar De Los Santos



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Occupation: I'm a writing professor at Western Connecticut State University. I started out in the English Department 23 years ago, then helped form the Writing Department, which I chaired for almost a decade. Today, I teach various undergraduate and graduate fiction workshops and a conspiracy theories course called Writing the Weird.

Family: I'm originally from Corpus Christi, Texas, and still have a sister, Iris, who lives there. I'm lucky enough to be married to my true love and soul-mate, Kelly L. Goodridge (aka Boss 1), a fellow WCSU writing professor. Then there's my gamer extraordinaire stepson, Alex, who's a UConn student majoring in computer science engineering, and my great mother-in-law Yvonne (aka Boss 2).

Pets: We have a Jack Russell named Beowulf, who has a macho personality and no off switch.

How long have you lived in Newtown? I've been a Newtown resident, off and on, for almost a quarter century.

What do you like to do in your free time?, and Dark Shadows, Star Trek. I love to read and write. I'm currently working on two novels simultaneously: a historical novel about a hurricane that destroyed my hometown in 1970 and a horror novel. I've also studied the JFK assassination for the past 40 years and will return to Dealey Plaza to take some fresh measurements soon!Then there's my passion for ufology, cryptozoology, and ghost hunting. And watching old TV shows like Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.

Do you have a favorite book? I have too many to list, but how about Ray Bradbury's The October Country?

Do you have a favorite travel destination? I love Mystic, Connecticut. Newport, Rhode Island, is a close runner up.

What is the best thing about Newtown? Newtown gives me a strong sense of family and community. Yes, it continues to modernize, but it's also retro in the best of ways. I'm a member of the Newtown Lions and proud to serve and give back to our town.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My wife, Kelly. She is far smarter and more aware of the world than I could ever hope to be.

If you could spend the day with anyone who would you choose and why? I can't choose one person! Kelly and I would have to throw a dinner party and invite John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon to ask them about the Cold War; Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, to thank them for the songs and laughs and to ask them about their breakup; Jonathan Frid for turning me onto Barnabas Collins; Ed and Lorraine Warren to talk about the White Lady of Union Cemetery; Forrest J. Ackerman for teaching me about Famous Monsters of Filmland and terrible puns; Frank Sinatra to sing for us; Don Rickles to insult us; Emeritus Pope Benedict to bless us; and, of course, William Shatner, because he's William Shatner!

What is your guilty pleasure? I love one can of high-octane Coca-Cola each night and single malt Scotch on occasion. Of course, I can't leave out any kind of pie, but especially Southern pecan!

Oscar De Los Santos is this week's Snapshot profile.
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