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Back To School Already?



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Back To School Already?

To the Editor:

As I peruse the Sunday Times this morning I am bombarded with retailers and insert after insert of back to school stuff. As a kid, the summer seemed to last forever. Those last days before school started were almost painful, as I was so ready for summer vacation to end.

Well, maybe it’s because I’m getting old, but that back to school itch hasn’t hit our house....we start back in just two weeks and no one is even “scratching.” I guess I could be in the minority and most are chomping at the bit to get back to that school routine, but I really feel that the kickoff to summer doesn’t even get going until the Fourth of July.  Our last day wasn’t until the 24th of June. Then we start back to “business” in August! Isn’t that just a little too quick?

I truly wish that our kids could enjoy the full month of August and begin the year after Labor Day!  The good old Newtown Labor Day parade could be the signal of the start of the school year. In our busy day-to-day routines, we need to cherish the family time we have together. Why not add one more week to the summer vacation and kickoff the year in September? Now, I’m certain we’d all have the itch by then.

Amy Schmidt

63 Castle Hill Road, Newtown                                   August 16, 2006

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