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Activity Calendars Available   



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Activity Calendars Available   

To the Editor:

The Newtown Activity Calendars are finished and available at Newtown Drug Center, Park and Rec, and all school offices.  Any parent of a school-aged child knows how invaluable these calendars can be.  They list all school holidays, band and choir dates, parent teacher conferences, and a myriad of events pertaining to our children.  All the proceeds from the sale of the calendars go toward the Middle School Cultural Arts Committee. I would like to thank all those people involved in putting it together: our Art Director Kathleen Renna who was invaluable for her organizational skills; our proofreaders, Karen Dugen, Patt Halloran, and Cynthia Black; those children whose wonderful art work fills the calendar; and all the organizations, clubs, and schools for pulling the information together on time.  

Eva Ferguson

18 Whippoorwill Hill Road, Newtown                     August 15, 2000

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