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Reaping 'FruitsOf The Spirit'



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Reaping ‘Fruits

Of The Spirit’

By Larissa Lytwyn

Fun was farm-fresh at this year’s vacation bible school kickoff, hosted by the United Methodist Church and drawing pre-K through sixth grade children from St Rose of Lima, Newtown Congressional, and Trinity churches.

“This has been my first year serving as director of the program,” said Janice McCleary, a member of United Methodist. “It’s been great just watching it all come together.”

The annual ecumenical program, held this year August 11–15, follows courses designed by Gospel Light, a Christian publishing company founded in 1933 by Henrietta C. Mears, Christian education director at First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, Calif. Infused with a down-home Son Harvest County Fair theme, children were able to engage in real-life farm activities, sing-alongs, relay racing games, storytelling, and more. Entwined in the adventures are the values of love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness — “fruits” from Jesus can be harvested from within.

Ms McCleary said that Susan Vogelman, United Methodist’s music director, had the idea to ask local farmers Steven and Diana Paproski if they could bring some livestock for the children to enjoy before their first day of class.

“I was more than happy to do it,” said Ms Paproski.

 The couple brought Daisy, a gentle mare, and a yet-unnamed 7-month-old calf for students to interact with. Children took turns petting and riding the animals before entering the church building for classes. “There are about 20 different church volunteers who teach the classes,” said Ms McCleary. “They are all very excited!” The teachers, she continued, prepare lessons weeks before, as well as assist in decorations and other details.

The Gospel Light curriculum includes music and skit production packs, decorating supplies, and resource materials. Giant bales of hay, oversized plant tags with slogans such as “Produce Patience,” along with watering buckets, paper flowers, and other items were artfully arranged in and around United Methodist. Gospel Light has an online purchasing center at www.gospellight.com that explains the company’s history, Christian philosophy, and teaching methodology, which includes keeping curricula accessible, relevant, and age-appropriate for children, teens, and even adults.

“Over the course of the week, we’ll be videotaping the children as they participate in various activities,” said Ms McCleary. “Then on the last day, Friday, we’ll show the kids the video as a kind of finale to the program.” Classes were held Monday through Friday from 9 am to noon and, in addition to educational and recreational activities, included bible readings, music time, and snacks.

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