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Children's Programs



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Children’s Programs

*Story Hour Registration: Story hour registration begins August 21 and continues through September 3.

Four sessions for 2-year-olds and their caregivers are being offered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning from 10 to 10:30 beginning September 8.

Classes for 3-5-year-olds will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 to 11:45 or Wednesday or Thursday afternoon from 1 to 1:45.

Your child must be a resident of Newtown and 2 or 3 years of age by September 8 to be eligible for this session.

No phone registrations will be accepted. Registration forms will be available in the children’s department on August 21.

*Summer Reading Ending Soon: The C.H. Booth Library summer reading program officially ends August 16. On Saturday we will tally the number of books read during the eight-week program and let you know the final total.

Thanks to all of the young adult volunteers who helped with summer reading. We really appreciate your help.

During the summer, the library is open on Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 8 pm, Friday from noon to 5 pm, and Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Call the library at 426-4533 to register for any of its programs or for additional information.

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