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Are Better Than Bailouts



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Are Better Than Bailouts

The following letter to Congressman Christopher Murphy has been received for publication

Dear Congressman Murphy:

Thank you for your reply July 15, 2009, to my letter of concern. A similar letter went to Senators Dodd and Lieberman, but I received no reply.

I am 78 years old, and grew up on a Connecticut dairy farm. Three of my older brothers served in our country’s military in World War II. Being a type-one diabetic, I was declined by the US Army during the Korean War.

My career has been in manufacturing, mainly the plastic industry. Early in life, I became keenly aware of the power of the private sector to move our economy ahead.

For example, our farm was saved from bank foreclosure by a milk distributor, which loaned us the money that we paid back in milk during the 1930s.

Such working arrangements are healthier than “bailouts.” Basically that is a form of banking. Our present administration did not take over a good economy, but it needs to let the private sector work its way out of trouble, or be allowed to fail. None are too big or too small to do so.

Our country is also not too big to fail, but it is too good for us to allow it to fail through reckless government spending.

It is the private sector, individual taxpayers, and businesses, large and small, which financially support our local, state, and national government, including our military. Simple common sense tells us that when government grows exponentially while private enterprise shrinks drastically, and when the remaining enterprises are less and less free, our economy will spiral downward. More people on public payrolls and fewer on business payrolls will destroy the nation, from within by its own hand.

Your letterhead indicates that you serve on two committees. The first, Energy and Commerce, where in today’s world energy is essential to engage in commerce. The second, Oversight and Government Reform where hopefully there will not be an urge to perpetuate unlimited government growth.

Your reminder that our country is at war is correct, but not two wars. It is one war that we battle on two fronts. It is a war without national boundaries. Believe the aggressors when they say it is a holy war or “Jihad” directed foremost against our society, but ultimately at all free nations.

Because you have been elected to a significant office in our national government, I know you have a high intellect. Please recognize the fact that the destruction of our economy is a means to create a crisis requiring the formation of a completely dictatorial government. Our enemy desires this to happen. (Witness 9/11/01) We as your constituents expect you to protect us against such a disaster.


Paul E. Allen

70 Mt Pleasant Road, Newtown                                August 11, 2009

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