Free Bladder Health Screening
Free Bladder Health Screening
WATERBURY â Do you find that you experience a loss of bladder control when you are laughing, coughing or sneezing? If his sounds like you, there are treatments and activities that can help.
The Be Well Center of Waterbury Hospital and Connecticut Center for Continence will hold a free bladder health screening on Thursday, August 23, from 10 to noon, at the Be Well Center, on the upper level of the Brass Mill Mall near the food court and Sears.
Participants will have a free bladder screening and consultation, complete a questionnaire and urinalysis. Appointments are required. For more information or to register, call 203-575-0730.
Urinary incontinence, or the lack of bladder control, affects more than 10 million Americans, of which 85 percent are female. Despite the cure or significant improvement in 90 percent of patients who undergo some form of treatment, many suffers are not receiving treatment. In fact Americans spend more than $10 billion on products to help them cope with or hide the problem.