CCS Summer Sing-In At Trinity
CCS Summer Sing-In At Trinity
The Connecticut Choral Society will sponsor a sing-in featuring Mendelssohnâs Elijah on Monday, August 27, at Trinity Episcopal Church, on the corner of Route 25 and Church Hill Road in Newtown. All are welcome.
The sing-in will run from 7 to 9:30 pm. Conductors will be CCS director John Liepold and associate conductor James Balmer.
Registration and music pickup will be at 7 pm, with singing to begin at 7:30. Cost is $5 per person.
For more information call 203-263-7603 or 800-555-5250 or visit
For those who are interested in joining the choral society, auditions are being scheduled for August 26 and 27, and September 2, all by appointment only. Call 800-555-5250 schedule an appointment, or make arrangements at the sing-in.