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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Taking Exception To Letters



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To the Editor:

First, though I respect Peter D’Amico’s right to favor capitalism [“Small Works Can Make Big Changes,” The Newtown Bee, August 7, 2020] I must take exception to his opinion as to how capitalism at its finest functions. True capitalism is basically business done by the laws of the jungle. The weak are eaten by the strong. The poor serve the rich, and there is a limited middle class that finds a way to serve both. The United States of America is not a capitalist nation, it is a social democracy. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, Husky Healthcare, Obama Care, public highways, parks, forests, public schools, are all socialistic programs. These programs were created because those accumulating wealth were not contributing at the same levels as previous generations and the suffering was too much for the rank and file voters to ignore so our elected officials responded by creating those very important programs. Enough said on that topic.

Secondly, I would like to address the absolutely unacceptable explanation of what individual rights we are afforded in this country by Amanda LoCascio [“Potentially Divisive Opinion,” The Newtown Bee, August 7, 2020]. Her allegation that to require everyone when inside a store or office space wear a mask to protect others is an infringement on our Constitutional rights is just wrong. Her insistence that the science behind doing so is by “some expert on TV,” is also far from the truth. Our entire medical establishment is driving the wear a mask plan. We wear masks not to protect ourselves from your illness, we wear a mask to protect you should we have the virus! Connecticut has become one of only two “Green” states by rigidly adhering to our guidelines. States that have done otherwise are suffering mightily (Fla., Ga., Tenn., Texas).

Her “disagreeing that it is apparent that wearing a piece of cloth covering the nose and mouth and social distancing has protected others from the virus” is simply ignorance or arrogance and disproven by what we here in Connecticut have been able to accomplish in controlling the virus’ spread, and looking to Florida or Texas, which opened early or never closed and are now setting records for cased diagnosed and deaths. Her opinion is just that — an opinion — as wrong as it is, she is entitled to it.

Our Constitution does not provide for us to “do as we please” it requires us to follow the laws and live within them.

Thank you,

Lou Reda

17 Tamarack Road, Newtown August 13, 2020

Comments are open. Be civil.
1 comment
  1. ryan knapp says:

    According to the CDC Florida and Texas actually lag behind places California in terms of total deaths, and have far less deaths per 100K than we do in CT, NY, NJ or MA, and its not even close, so I am not sure what records they are setting. They also appear to have peaked well short of medical capacity and are flattening the curve. Having been to Florida recently, it is not the lawless wild west as some describe it, and frankly seems to be taking a lot of the same measures we are here, and neither is CT in 100% compliance nor did we totally lock down (I say this as someone who works for an essential business.) I am not against mask wearing, (I believe good ideas shouldn’t require force,) but if we want people to trust the data, we would do best not to shade it with apparently partisan biases.

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