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Ponder The Pond Trail At Weir Farm



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Ponder The Pond Trail At Weir Farm

WILTON — Weir Farm National Historic Site will host, on three occasions, a special program that will explore the historic site’s Pond Trail.

The public is invited to join Park Ranger Allison Herrmann for a new look at the popular local trail. Participants will explore the ways people have shaped their natural environment, and discover the sights that often go unexamined – ones which some regular visitors to the park may have passed several times and never thought to consider.

The trail walks are scheduled for Sundays, August 14, September 14, and October 9. Each will run from 1 to 2:30 pm. It is not a strenuous hike, but the walk will consist of standing with short periods of walking. Bringing a bottle of water and wearing appropriate footwear is suggested.

There is no fee, but space is limited and registration is required.

Weir Farm’s man entrance is at 735 Nod Hill Road in Wilton. Call 203-834-1896 extension 12 or visit nps.gov/wefa for additional information or to register.

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