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Make The Right Choice



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Make The Right Choice

(The following open letter to Newtown Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson has been received for publication.)

Dr Robinson:

 I am very upset and disappointed at your desire to dismantle the owner-operator bus system in Newtown. I’m concerned that as a temporary resident in our town you lack the fundamental understanding about how important our owner-operator bus system is to Newtown families. You couldn’t understand how important it is because you didn’t raise your family here, and you don’t have children in the Newtown schools. You have no investment in this town.

For you, Newtown is just a paycheck and another step on the résumé ladder, and this perspective allows you to view your management decisions in a vacuum. It’s simply not fair, and it should stop. The time and energy that has been poured into the bus contract debate is embarrassing. You and your administration have developed a bidding process designed to make the owner-operators look unsophisticated. For myself, I’m just fine with this fact though, because I would rather have my conscientious, trusting neighbor drive my kids to school rather than some bus company employee. There is no price that can be put on this peace of mind. It is an intangible that this town has cherished for many decades.

On August 20, a meeting is scheduled to have a public forum for the community to meet the bidders in your transportation contract charade. On the front there appears that there will not be sufficient time to adequately assess the companies in question. I’m sure this was by design. The bus companies bidding to replace the owner-operators are going to trot out their most polished presenters, bring down fancy new buses, and explain why their service is superior to our community members who currently provide this service. To me, it doesn’t matter. I support the owner-operators. The overwhelming majority of feedback on this issue supports the owner-operators. This support comes from the people who are invested in this town. The fact that this overwhelming support is being ignored by your administration is a disgrace and unconscionable. You need to listen to the voice of the people.

For the parents of Newtown’s school children, the owner-operators represent an investment in our town similar to our own investment here. They own property here, raise their families here, and pay taxes. From my personal perspective, I grew up in this town; I am a parent, taxpayer, and small business owner in Newtown. I live here, raise my family here, and operate my business here because of all the factors that make life in this town great. You, however, do not share our perspective because you have no history or investment here. However, it is absolutely time that you and the administration listen to those who pay the taxes that pay your salary. The owner-operator bus system is what we, the taxpayers, want to remain in place. It’s time for you to recognize that. You need to make the right choice in this matter and that is to continue the impeccable, dedicated service of the owner-operators.

Rich Paltauf

22 Longview Heights Road, Newtown                        August 9, 2010

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