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Eighty four years ago this week, the famous Battle of Newtown was fought as
part of part of the War Maneuvers of 1912. The war maneuvers attracted more
than 5,000 spectators and a corps of reporters from 11 newspapers, including
several from New York and Boston, and one newsreel camera crew. About 20,000
soldiers - several units of the Army and the National Guard from six
northeastern states - participated in the exercises which culminated with a
two-day battle between the Blue and the Red armies on what is now known as
Castle Hill in Newtown. The hill is actually a ridge which extends from the
former site of Roland's Castle (which was built in 1888 and demolished in
1947) at the southern edge north to Mt Pleasant Road and commands a
magnificent view of the surrounding town. This photo is one of many which were
made into post cards that commemorate the event.
AUGUST 20, 1971
Last Friday all of the officers and sergeants of the Newtown police force
joined the International Brotherhood of Police Officers and signed a temporary
charter for membership in the union. Officer Frederick Kasbarian is president
of the local chapter and Officer Richard Stook is vice president. The
department's new chief, Louis D. Marchese, was informed of the action on
Monday, his first day of work, and was told that joining the union was in no
way of reflection on him. The police officers said they felt union membership
was needed to deal with issues such as job security, negotiations, insurance,
legal assistance, and contract writing and interpretation.
Two Newtowners will be part of the action when the East and the West squads
clash in the 14th annual Nutmeg Bowl football game at Kennedy Stadium in
Bridgeport this weekend. Pete Kohut, Newtown's head football coach, will be an
assistant coach for the West team on which Jason Stevens, an All-Stater, will
be one of the two quarterbacks. This is the first time a Newtown player has
ever been in this annual classic. Both teams have big, solid lines. The East
has dominated the all-star classic, winning it seven times. Four games have
ended in a tie, and the West won the other two games.
Ray Fulton and Tom Kennedy, co-chairman of the Labor Day Parade, say that more
units already have signed up than last year and plans are proceeding well for
the holiday weekend. The Rotary will sponsor a cookout which will include hot
roast beef sandwiches, hamburgers and hot dogs. A public event, the cookout
will begin at 11 am right after the parade and will continue until 5 pm at the
town park. The VFW will hold a buffer dinner Saturday night with Oscar White's
group providing the music. This event also is open to the public. There will
be an all-star softball game on Sunday at the park as well as the tennis
tournament finals.
The four eastbound and westbound entrance and exit ramps connecting Route 34
to I-84 have been closed. The original intention of the state was to make the
closings permanent. But, in answer to many requests, consideration is being
given to eventually reopening the exit ramp from westbound I-84 to Route 34.
Access from Route 34 onto I-84 is not at this time believed feasible.
A paper recycling program is being started in Newtown. In a pilot program, Dan
Lee will be collecting newspaper from about 400 residents. The papers will be
baled at the Curtis Box Company in Sandy Hook. The program is being conducted
by the Fairfield County Conservation District with the cooperation of the
AUGUST 16, 1946
During the heavy electrical rainstorm on Tuesday morning, the large dairy barn
at Atlasta Farm in Hopewell district was destroyed by fire after having been
struck by lightning at approximately 11:45 am. About 60 firefighters from the
Newtown, Sandy Hook, Hawleyville and Dodgingtown fire companies battled the
blaze for a better part of the day. All of the livestock in the building were
led to safety but about 75 tons of this season's crop of hay were lot as well
as 40 tons of grain and a considerable amount of farm marchery. Several pine
trees in the yard caught fire but firefighters were able to save the main
house and another new dairy barn. The farm is owned by Harold E. and Samuel L.
Bickford, who also own the Bickford Restaurant chain in New York City. Morris
Beers is general manager of the farm, which has a herd of 40 registered
Holsteins and Jerseys.
The annual Walnut Tree Hill Men's Doubles Tennis Tournament was held on
Saturday and Sunday. This was the 10th meeting of contestants for the coveted
Honegger Cup in the tournament on Honegger Farms. In the finals, William Ives
of Brewster, NY, and Harold Farrington of Danbury topped Dr William Bunker of
New Milford and Earle Robison of New Milford, 6-4, 6-2, 6-4.
Schools in the newly formed Regional School District No. 3, which includes
Newtown, Woodbury, Southbury and Bethlehem, will open right after Labor Day.
Regional Superintendent Carroll F. Johnson announced this week that fourth
grade students in Newtown will be taught in the St Rose Hall. Grades 2 and 3
will be at Both the Sandy Hook and Haley Schools. Grade 5 will be taught at
Sandy Hook and at Land's End School in Hawleyville. Grade 6 will be at Flat
Swamp School in Dodgingtown and at Huntingtown School. Grades 7-12 will be at
Hawley School.
The Rev Lawrence S. Brock, SJ, new administrator of Fairfield College
Preparatory School, will be the main speaker at the communion breakfast which
marks the 50th anniversary of the Virgilius Council of the Knights of
Columbus. Six surviving charter members are expected to be among those who
attend the breakfast in the St Rose Parish Hall on Sunday morning. Father
Brock, who was a major in the US Army during World War II, met Rev John F.
Culliton of St Rose Parish on Guadacanal during the war while Father Culliton
was a chaplain with the 43rd Division. Father Brock was a chaplain with the
26th Division and spent more than two years in the jungles of Bougainville,
Guadacanal, New Caledonia and New Hebrides.