Date: Fri 30-Aug-1996
Date: Fri 30-Aug-1996
Publication: Bee
Author: STEVEB
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with photo... Earns Eagle Scout Badge
The 40-seat outdoor chapel built by Newtown's William C. Beard, Jr, at the
Stepney Baptist Church in Monroe was put to use for the first time at this
year's sunrise service on Easter Sunday.
It snowed that April morning but the Eagle Scout project was appreciated just
the same.
William, 18, the son of William and Marianna Beard of 27 Meadowbrook Road, was
honored for his work in Boy Scouts Sunday night with the awarding of his Eagle
Scout badge.
A scout since 1989, William cleared a plot of land filled with brush to the
south of the Route 25 church then constructed the chapel out of donated wood.
In all, the job took 128 hours, most of which was taken up in the planning
At his ceremony, the new Eagle Scout received citations of commendation from
several officials, including First Selectman Robert Cascella, US Senator
Christopher Dodd and President Bill Clinton.
William, who graduated this spring from Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury,
will attend Sacred Heart University this fall where he'll likely major in