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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Events At NCC



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Events At NCC

Thirteen third graders were honored at a Newtown Congregational Church breakfast recently and then were presented with their Bibles at the Sunday morning worship service. Six new members were welcomed into the church at the same service.

Third graders were Shay Demarche, Carley Ferris, Adam Harrison, Olivia Ingham, Matthew Janco, Serena Kiss, Nicholas Krasnickas, Nicholas Marcinek, Julia Murray, Ryan Murray, Brooke Newtown, Tyler Sherwood, and Helena Sorensen.

New members are Jim and Catherine Chivravelli, John Swaine, John Isdale, Jolene Isdale, and Lisa Swain.

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