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A Clarification



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A Clarification

To the Editor:

It has been brought to my attention that my opponent Cary Schierloh has posted that Independent party members can register as either a Democrat or a Republican to vote in the primary on August 14, 2012.

Pleased be advised that current registered Independent voters are a party and the cut off to change your affiliation was May 13, 2012.

This misinformation can cause confusion and frustration to voters.

Any inquires you may have please call:  Republican Registrar of Voters Karin Aurelia at 203-270-4251 or [Democratic Registrar of Voters] LeReine Frampton at 203-270-4253.

Karin Aurelia

Republican Registrar of Voters

3 Primrose Street, Newtown                                         August 6, 2012 

Comments are open. Be civil.

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