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AUGUST 2, 1974
Dignitaries cover a lot of ground in a short time. No exception was Dignitary
Day, sponsored by the Park and Recreation Commission, on Wednesday, July 31.
Starting out on the school bus behind the Town Hall that morning was First
Selectman Frank DeLucia; school superintendent Albert Brinkman; Town social
worker Mary Brey; members of the Park and Recreation Commission Barbara
O'Connor, Cynthia Cassidy, and chairman David Larson; Arthur Bennett,
Dickinson Park superintendent; Bertram Stroock, who donated the land for the
park; and Lee Davenson, Recreation Director and tour guide. Though invited, no
members of the Board of Finance were present. In the space of little more than
two hours, the dignitaries visited Middle School, Hawley School, bypassed the
Methodist Church because the children who meet there regularly were on a field
trip, Sandy Hook School, Dickinson Park, and the Alexandria Room of Town Hall
where lunch was served. All the while, Mr Davenson kept up a running
commentary on the progress and problems, mostly financial, of the recreation
programs in each of the sites.
In response to insistent demands at the recent public hearing of the Charter
Revision Commission, and at the request of First Selectman Frank DeLucia,
commissioners are drafting a provision for the November ballot establishing a
board of ethics which, in turn, will develop and administer a code of ethics
for Newtown officers and employees. Redding and Seymour have such boards and
codes already constituted by ordinance, and a code of ethics has recently been
adopted by the selectmen of Easton, to become a town ordinance upon adoption
by the voters this fall.
The Main Street Historic District Study Committee had its second of three
planned informational meetings on the proposed district in the Alexandria Room
of the Edmond Town Hall Wednesday evening. Those in attendance were persons
who live within the proposed district, and they put forth an interesting
proposal to the committee members concerning the planned exclusion from the
district of buildings along Main Street which are in commercial zones. There
are five businesses which are in commercial zones: the Newtown Savings Bank,
the General Store, the Chase building, Lovells of Ruwet-Sibley, and Lovells
Garage. The committee is proposing to omit these businesses from the District,
although it has been pointed out that they may be included, if they so desire.
The suggestion on Wednesday evening was that the commercial zones be included
in the district. The reason for this, the residents explained, would be to
have some control over design of a building should one of the present ones be
destroyed, for instance by fire, or change ownership.
State Representative Sarah Frances Curtis (R-106) of Newtown told The Bee this
week that she is "demanding" that the state Bureau of Highways take action to
improve the situation on I-84 in the vicinity of Rochambeau Bridge.
Specifically, Mrs Curtis was referring to the sharp curve I-84 takes just
after the bridge, heading west into Newtown. A two-truck accident in the
vicinity on Tuesday sparked her comments.
At a special meeting on Thursday, July 25, the Newtown Park and Recreation
Commission awarded a contract for construction of a tennis court to Costello
Construction Corporation of Newington, an associate of New England Seal
Coating Company. The company, which specializes in tennis courts, offered the
low bid of $8,695 for a single court with the town to do the rough grading.
The bid does not include fencing. The company's bid for a second court to be
constructed at the same time was $7,695.
A representative of the State Human Rights Division met with officials of the
Newtown Police Department on Friday, July 26, to discuss a sex-discrimination
complaint filed by Paige Gillies of Newtown, who was not granted an
application for patrolwoman on the force earlier this year.
The Newtown Democratic Women's Club will sponsor a baked goods sale on
Saturday, August 3, starting at 9:30 am in front of the Grand Union. Club
President Millie Anderson is chairwoman of this event and promises a delicious
assortment of baked goods for sale.
Board members of the newly formed Sandy Hook group of La Leche League met
recently to organize their series of meetings on breast feeding, the first of
which will be held on Thursday, August 15, at 7:45 pm at the home of Mrs Paul
Bardelli, Buttonball Drive. Leading the Sandy Hook group is Anja Baldock.
Assisting her will be leader applicants Diane Biondo and Susan Cacioppo,
librarian. Other board members include Berney Skutel, secretary, Esther
Nichols, treasurer, and Peg Heetman, publicity.
AUGUST 5, 1949
Honor has been accorded to H.C. Honegger of Walnut Tree Hill, Sandy Hook, by
the Italian Republic, which has conferred upon him the Italian decoration
"Stella della Solidarieta." The decoration is made in recognition of Mr
Honegger's work as president of the Pestalozzi World Foundation and in other
ways aiding in the moral and material reconstruction of Italy.
As a result of the decision of the Connecticut Supreme Court on Monday of this
week, validating the judgeship appointments made by Governor Chester Bowles at
the end of June, Attorney John F. Holian, Democratic town chairman, entered
upon his duties as judge of the Newtown town court at the session held Monday
evening in Edmond Town Hall. The Newtown town court was one of 66 throughout
the state that were affected by the decision.
A picnic with swimming, races, merry-go-round rides and soda pop, held at Lake
Quassapaug last Friday, ended this summer's recreation program in Newtown.
Over 60 people, parents as well as children, joined the outing. Winners of the
Newtown events were as follows: boys' advanced free style, Fred Benton, first,
Buddy Palmer, second, Joe Zink, third; girls' advanced free style, Claudia
Palmer, first, Wendy Blantin, second, and Jane Slocum, third. Boys advanced
side stroke: Ken Anderson, first, Fred Benton, second, Joe Zink, third. Girls
advanced side stroke, Claudia Palmer, first, Susan Slocum, second and Wendy
Blantin, third.
The Newtown Bees returned to their winning ways on Sunday afternoon when they
defeated Roxbury in a fast moving game played on the Roxbury diamond. The
score was 12 to 5. Big Bob Crichton led the Newtown team with five hits for
five times at bat, collecting four singles and a two bagger, to cross the
plate with five runs, five seeming to be his lucky number. Elzie Hunnicutt
followed a close second with three for five, getting a single and two doubles.
Wagner led the batting for Roxbury, getting two singles and a double out of
four times at bat.
The foundation work for the Newtown Veterans Memorial building, located in
South Center district, opposite the Newtown Country Club, has been completed
and the process of laying the first floor begun. According to the building
committee, the volunteers who have been working evenings at the site also
expected to start the center blocks sometime this week.
An all-day golf and tennis tournament took place at the Newtown Country Club
last Saturday, conducted by the Newtown Rotary Club. Fred C. Bauer was
chairman. Some 18 members of the Rotary Club and ten guests took part in the
golf event, which featured a team match between two picked teams. The team
captained by Frank Hubbell and dubbed "The Hookers" defeated Fred Bauer's
"Slicers" 18 points to 16.
AUGUST 1, 1924
The Sandy Hook band never gave a better concert or played to better advantage
than on Sunday night at their concert in front of the Parker House, which was
enjoyed by several hundred people. Automobiles lined both sides of the street.
Leader Warner is to be congratulated on the excellence of the concert. The
band makes another public appearance on Saturday night, when they play at the
meeting of the Forestry Association on Dr C.H. Peck's Mt Pleasant estate.
A number of Newtown young ladies gave a picnic at South Center last Monday
afternoon. Among those present were Margaret McCarthy, Luella Sperry,
Catherine Crowe, Alice Meeker, Geraldine Cutler, Barbara Cutler, Muriel
Kiernan, Mary Frisbie, Alice Carmody and Julie Wetmore.