Date: Wed 07-Jul-1999
Date: Wed 07-Jul-1999
Publication: Bee
Author: CURT
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The next time there's a heat wave, put on a black fur coat and then try to
reconcile that with an irrational aversion to swimming, and you will have a
pretty good idea of what my life is like in July. And then they add insult to
injury by calling these "dog days." Whose idea was that?
Ok, so I'm a little bit cranky this week. I suppose I should count my
blessings. I could be homeless or abandoned like so many other pets.
Fortunately, New Leash on Life, an animal rescue organization, is holding a
dog adoption day at Pet Connection, 228 South Main Street, on Saturday, July
10, from 10 am to 2 pm. They have many homeless and abandoned animals who need
loving homes.
Bill Brimmer, a self-described on-and-off golfer for the past 30 years, got a
hole-in-one on Monday at the James Beard Golf Course in Poughkeepsie, NY. He
was using a five wood on a par three, 202-yard hole. Bill said he thought he
got the ball on the green, but he didn't see it when he got there and figured
he overshot the green. Carrying a chipper and a putter, he headed toward the
back of the green and, as he walked by, glanced in the hole. There was his
ball. "It was almost like a dream sequence," he says. "I guess I can attribute
it to the heat -- you can't imagine how hot it was out there."
Jerry Valenta knows something about the heat. He was up in the clock tower at
Edmond Town Hall all day Saturday, restoring the clock system. Then he spent
all Saturday evening standing over a hot pot cooking fried dough at the St
Rose Carnival. The evening got off to a bang of a start, literally, when he
lit the gas on the fried dough cooker. The gas ignited with an explosion that
singed the front of his hair.
Jamie and Kathy Jamison and their three daughters will be packing up soon and
moving to California. Jamie has a new job as vice president of corporate
communications for Hughes Electronics Corporation and will be beginning his
new position at the El Segundo, California, headquarters on August 2.
Anyone driving on Main Street past the Newtown Historical Society headquarters
on Saturday must have seen this huge pink flamingo on the lawn and the
two-faced sign nearby that proclaimed "Who Is 57? OLD John Rohmner." Sallie
Meffert obviously didn't forget his birthday. Last year when John and Maureen
were away for the Fourth of July weekend, Sally remembered his birthday by
covering his front lawn on Main Street with pink plastic flamingos, one for
each year.
Longtime Newtown resident Bob Hall says he's been reading The Newtown Bee for
years. Lately, however, he has been a bit startled by the fact that he is now
able to relate to "50 years ago..." in "The Way We Were" column.
Heather Satmary of the Pootatuck Spirits women's softball team sprained her
ankle over the weekend, but was still on the bench for her team's
season-opener Tuesday. As she cheered on her teammates, Heather was as
animated as ever, preferring to jump up and down on one leg instead of two.
Congratulations are in order for the Rev Jack Tanner of Newtown Christian
Church, who has completed his fund-raising bicycle ride to his home town in
Indiana and is back in Newtown. He completed the ride in much better time than
anticipated, travelling 825 miles in about 67 hours total riding time. His
fund-raising efforts were also successful. He raised a little over $7,000 for
his three causes, All God's Children, new church planting, and Newtown
Christian Church. Donations are still being accepted for any or all three
missions. Checks should be made out to the Newtown Christian Church, noting
the mission supported.
Provided that the boss makes out a check to me this payday, I will be back at
the same time and place next week, so be sure to...
Read me again.