Date: Mon 30-Nov-1998
Date: Mon 30-Nov-1998
Publication: Bee
Author: STEVEB
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Council Wants A Chamber Of Its Own
If a new municipal building is constructed in Newtown, Pierre Rochman wants to
make sure it includes a chamber for the Legislative Council.
It only make sense, says the council chairman. The council, arguably the
town's most influential board, has been moved around for years. It has never
truly had a home of its own.
"All the various town agencies, including the council, have been bouncing
around from building to building," he said. "Records are being kept in
people's private homes and that's crazy."
As Mr Rochman points out, it could simply be a meeting room, with the council
having first dibs on its use.
"It would be a definite place to meet. The selectmen could meet there, too,"
said council vice chair Melissa Pilchard.
Over the years, the council has met in just about every place there was to
meet -- from the Alexandria Room and the middle school library to the Board of
Education conference room and the senior center. The council has also met in
the Cyrenius Booth Library and the middle school faculty lounge. Many of these
meeting places were deemed not accessible to handicapped persons.
Mrs Pilchard said the council used to have a small office, but lost that to
the human services department. Currently, there is no place to store records.
"I have a lot of records in my basement," Mrs Pilchard said.
Mr Rochman said a council chamber could have an adjoining room for committee