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Date: Fri 29-May-1998



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Date: Fri 29-May-1998

Publication: Bee

Author: KAAREN

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A Club With An International Flavor

(with cuts)


More than 20 years ago Newtown Junior Women's Club member Margarita Ross had

an idea. A native of Costa Rica and chairman of the club's international

affairs department, she thought the Juniors should start a club for people who

were interested in learning about other cultures.

The first meeting, held at Trinity Church on November 16, 1976, attracted 40

people and created the International Club of Newtown.

"Hilde Brehm, Wendy White, and Filis Fondo -- who later moved to Roxbury --

were among the organizers. I joined about a year later," said Veronica

Simonpietre, a former Newtown resident who now lives in Woodbury. The first

officers included Mrs Brehm and Doraliza Isgut, both of whom still live in

Newtown and are still club members.

The club now has more than 80 members from Egypt, India, Latvia, Germany,

Brazil, Taiwan, Switzerland, Holland, Czech Republic, Russia, Hungary, Peru,

England, Argentina, Costa Rica, Lithuania, Turkey, Canada, Angeria, France,

Japan, Wales, Columbia, Norway, Mexico, France, Thailand, South Africa, and

the United States. They include persons from other countries, their spouses,

and Americans who have lived overseas and speak the languages of those


On a recent afternoon a half dozen members of the club were busy working in

the kitchen of Peter and Carmen Buck, preparing a French dinner for 65 under

the direction of Anne Marie Metzelard. Mrs Metzelard, who is French, is the

club's vice president; her husband, Henri, is in charge of hospitality. The

menu was ambitious: several appertifs -- casanis, annisette, and kir --

accompanied by a goose liver mousse; tapenade, a provencal mousse of black

olives, capers and anchovies, and caviar d'aubergine, eggplant mixed with

garlic, olive oil and lemon juice. Dinner featured terrine de poissons (a fish

terrine), ragout d'augneau aux haricots blanco et safran (ragout of lamb with

white beans and saffron), saute de veau a la coriandre et aux blancos de

poireau (veal saute with coriander and leeks), petit pommes de terre et riz

(small potatoes and rice), salad, French cheeses and pastries.

After two days of preparation, during which club members took turns assisting

in the kitchen, the dinner was held last Saturday evening at the Bucks' house

on Centennial Drive in Danbury.

The club meets monthly, except in the summer. Since January the special events

have included a private viewing of the British art collection at Yale

University, a Valentine party at the meeting house in Heritage Village, and

wine tasting with hors d'oeuvres. In June the club will celebrate the summer

solstice with Norwegian food at the Newtown home of Lilleba Peterson and David

Luessenhop. Next fall the group will have an excursion on the steam yacht

Sabino at Mystic Seaport followed by dinner at a waterside restaurant, events

arranged by program coordinators Tony Strange, an Englishman living in

Southbury, and Phyllis Lloyd of Newtown. Other current club officers include

Sheela Amembal of Newtown, president; Judy Salem, Bethel, treasurer; Mrs

Simonpietri, secretary; Lilleba Peterson, Newtown, membership; David Lloyd,

Newtown, publicity.

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the club may call Mrs Amembal,

426-1788, or Ms Peterson, 426-2620.

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