Date: Fri 28-May-1999
Date: Fri 28-May-1999
Publication: Bee
Author: ANDYG
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Parmalee Hill Road Subdivision Rejected Over Traffic Concerns
In view of area residents' public safety concerns, Planning and Zoning
Commission (P&Z) members have rejected the proposed Daniels Hill Estates
residential subdivision, a development project calling for 13 house lots on 40
acres off Parmalee Hill Road.
P&Z members Michael Osborne, James Boylan, Stephen Koch and Chairman Daniel
Fogliano voted May 20 to turn down the development project proposed by Daniels
Hill Development, LLC. Member Heidi Winslow dissented in the vote.
The developer and the town do not have a road work agreement under which the
developer agrees to improve town-owned roadway near a development site.
Before the vote, Mr Osborne said "I'm very concerned about the potential for
accidents along that road."
"It's a recipe for disaster," he said of the added traffic the subdivision
would generate on the narrow, winding, hilly Parmalee Hill Road.
Until Parmalee Hill Road is physically improved and the sight lines for
motorists there are improved, the P&Z shouldn't approve the proposed
subdivision, Mr Boylan said.
The development proposal calls for extending a new dead end street off the
west side of Parmalee Hill Road, just north of the Housatonic Railroad train
tracks. The developer's plans do not call for improving Parmalee Hill Road.
In a May 11 report to P&Z members, planning aide Elizabeth Stocker wrote that
the town in the recent past widened Parmalee Hill Road, improved its sight
lines, installed guard railing and made drainage improvements. Planned town
improvements to the road in the 1999-2000 fiscal year include stormwater
drainage work and paving, she wrote.
In a May 14 letter to Ms Stocker, Mary Kelly, the town's director of school
bus transportation, wrote that for safety reasons no 65-passenger school buses
are used on Parmalee Hill Road.
"School bus drivers who currently service that part of Parmalee Hill Road
often have to stop, pull off the traveled portion of the road and wait for the
other vehicle to pass through. The subdivision will create more traffic,
increasing the possibility for additional accidents in such a narrow, windy
area," Ms Kelly wrote. Traveling through the area will be difficult in the
wintertime, she adds.
In light of area residents' public safety concerns, P&Z members May 6 had
agreed to take a closer look at plans for Daniels Hill Estates.
P&Z members had been poised to act on and possibly approve the project May 6,
but Mr Osborne stressed his concern that many area residents at a March public
hearing told P&Z members that traffic generated by the development would
worsen existing traffic hazards on Parmalee Hill Road.
Mr Osborne has said he raised the public safety topic on behalf on current
neighborhood residents and people who would move into the proposed