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Date: Fri 28-Aug-1998



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Date: Fri 28-Aug-1998

Publication: Bee

Author: STEVEB

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Cat Rescue Turns Into Double Trouble


Steve Carmichael was a bit apprehensive when he got the call to rescue a cat

from a tree at 25 Sherman Street Wednesday afternoon.

The last time he rescued a cat at that address he was bitten. But this was

Mike and Pam Davis' other cat, which had been stuck in the tree since Sunday

when it climbed up to get away from the neighbors' dog.

Mr Carmichael had to go deep into the woods to reach poor Tabitha who had

remained in the tree through Tuesday's storm. Ironically, Sherman Street was

one of the hardest hit areas in town with several large trees being knocked


But Tabitha's perch 20 feet up remained standing, and the tree man made his

way up. He had almost made his way to the frightened cat when the neighbors,

not knowing what was going on, let their dog out, and the canine promptly made

a bee-line to the tree in question to see what was up.

"Oh no," shouted a horrified Pam Davis. "Go on, get out of here."

The dog didn't listen, however, and as Mr Carmichael made his way down the

tree with Tabitha all hell broke loose. Both dog and cat spotted one another

and the action got intense. Tabitha leaped out of her rescuer's hands, landing

feet first on the ground. The chase was on.

Fearing for her life, Tabitha tried to escape under a bush, but the dog

tracked her down. Somehow, she managed to break free and made her way up a

second tree in the neighbors' yard. Without hesitation, Mr Carmichael lugged

his gear to Tabitha's new safe haven and made his way up again. Before he

could get there, though, Tabitha jumped a good 30 feet to the ground, once

again landing on her paws. Fortunately, the dog was back in the neighbors'

house and, despite being a bit shaken, Tabitha appeared to be fine.

Mr Carmichael has rescued plenty of cats over the years, but he said this cat

story ranked up there with some of the best.

By the way, all the excitement took place while it was raining... cats and


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